Tuesday, March 25, 2008

MGC April Activities

Barbara Rousseau is organizing a trip to Logees Greenhouses in Danielson, CT on Friday, April 11th. People are to meet at Go Fish at 9 AM to drive together. Visit their website http://www.logees.com/ to see what they have to offer.

The daffodils are coming up and we will be bringing our specimens to the April Meeting. You should choose your specimen carefully. It is best to choose a daffodil that is not yet open. Color must be showing before you cut it or it will never open. Cut the daffoldil near the base but not below the ground. Using a pen write the name of the daffodil on the stem and place in very hot water. This will encourage it to open over night. You should bring your daffodil to the church on Monday, April 21 between 3 and 5 PM or 6:30 to 8 PM.